Chaplain Jerry - Deployed to Iraq in 2008. His last blog post is as follows:
I wanted to give this update knowing that I might not be able to write once deployed. We covet your prayers and thank the many people who are already part of the support. May the Lord continue to bless your lives and shine down upon you and those you love.
Chaplain Jon Fisher - Started a blog to keep his friends and family informed about his life as an Army Chaplain. His last post was in September of 2008 where he said:
I started the blog in an effort to keep my family and friends informed about my new life as an Army chaplain. Back then, everything was amazing and new, fascinating and weird - the whole Army experience was changing who I was at the core and I wanted everyone I knew to be aware of it. Now, I'm thoroughly a soldier, professional clergy (as they say) and nothing much about it is new anymore. I find that the things I want to write about would be inappropriate fodder for a site that is so foundationally a site about an Army chaplain... I'm just kinda done writing for awhile. I've been fighting it before I went to Iraq for the second time and since then its just been like pulling teeth to put anything on the page.
Chaplain Ken - A former pastor turned Military Chaplain, Ken blogged about his training and duties.
I am a former pastor. I am trading in my suits for ACU's and become a Chaplain in the Army. I will be going to chaplain basic training (CHOBC) in June 2007 and leaving my beautiful precious family for three months. I have been married for almost 17 years to my best friend, and we have three great kids: 14, 8, and 5 (boys on either end with a girl in the middle).
A Prayer for these Military Chaplains
May God grant each of these servants Grace, strength, boldness, humility, and continued discipline as each one serves the Lord Jesus Christ day by day. May the Lord grant them mercy and hearts to love others despite overwhelming sins committed against them. Let their walk be sweet to the Lord and as new challenges arise, may God grant them grace upon grace. May their fruit be bountiful and sweet unto the Lord. In Christ's Name and for His Glory, Amen.
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